Player Character Identifier


Goals & Notes:


DND Stats

Stat Value Mod Mod Adder Final Mod Adder Notes:
Strength 0 0
Dexterity 0 0
Constitution 0 0
Intelligence 0 0
Wisdom 0 0
Charisma 0 0
Bonuses Saves
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0



Make A Character

  • Roll or Assign Attributes:
    • Method 1: Roll 3d6 six times for STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA in order
    • Method 2: Assign array [14,12,11,10,9,7] to attributes as desired
    • If using Method 1, you may change one attribute to 14 after rolling
    • These scores reflect your hero's basic potential
  • Calculate Attribute Modifiers:
    • Score 3: -2 modifier (severely deficient)
    • Score 4-7: -1 modifier (below average)
    • Score 8-13: +0 modifier (average human range)
    • Score 14-17: +1 modifier (above average)
    • Score 18: +2 modifier (exceptional)
    • Note: Use these modifiers for attribute-based rolls, not the full score
  • Select Background (p.11):
    • Gain the free skill listed with your background at level-0
    • Level-0 represents ordinary professional knowledge
    • Note any background details that help define your character
  • Choose Additional Skills:
    • Option 1: Choose two skills from your background's Learning table (cannot pick "Any Skill")
    • Option 2: Take the Quick Skills listed for your background at level-0
    • Option 3: Make up to three rolls divided between Growth and Learning tables
    • Growth Table Bonuses:
      • "+2 Physical": Add 2 points to STR, DEX, or CON (or split between two)
      • "+2 Mental": Add 2 points to INT, WIS, or CHA (or split between two)
  • Choose Class (p.18):
    • Warriors get 1d6+2 HP, +1 BAB, combat focus
    • Experts get 1d6 HP, +0 BAB, skill focus
    • Mages get 1d6-1 HP, +0 BAB, spellcasting
    • Adventurers can mix any two partial classes (p.21)
  • Select Foci:
    • Everyone gets one free Focus
    • Experts get extra non-combat Focus
    • Warriors get extra combat Focus
    • Can take same Focus twice for enhanced effects
  • Optional Species Selection (p.280):
    • Costs one Focus pick
    • Subject to GM approval
  • Choose One Additional Skill:
    • Represents personal interests/hobbies
  • Mage Specifics (p.60):
    • Choose magical tradition
    • Full mages get 4 starting spells
    • Partial mages get 2 starting spells
  • Calculate Hit Points:
    • Roll class hit die + CON modifier (minimum 1)
    • Warriors: 1d6+2
    • Experts: 1d6
    • Mages: 1d6-1
    • Adventurers: See partial class tables (p.21)

Armor & Shield

Select Armor ArmorWt Armor Class Cost Enc.
No Armor Light 10 None N/A
War Shirt Light 11 5 sp 0
Buff Coat Light 12 50 sp 0
Linothorax Light 13 20 sp 1
War Robe Light 14 50 sp 3
Pieced Armor Light 14 100 sp 2
Mail Shirt Medium 14 250 sp 1
Cuirass and Greaves Medium 15 250 sp 2
Scaled Armor Medium 16 500 sp 3
Mail Hauberk Heavy 16 750 sp 2
Plate Armor Heavy 17 1000 sp 2
Great Armor Heavy 19 2000 sp 3
Grand Plate Heavy 16 2000 sp 3
Small Shield Shield 13 20 sp 1
Large Shield Shield 14 10 sp 1

Foci List

Select Foci Name Description Level 1 Effect Level 2 Effect
Alert Keenly aware of surroundings, almost impossible to take unaware Gain notice as a bonus skill You always act first
Armored Magic Usable by mage heroes to cast spells while armored Cast spells with armor or shield Cast any spell while encumbered
Arms Master Proficient with thrown weapons and melee attacks Gain Stab as a bonus skill Always treats melee targets as if AC 10
Artisan Gifted crafter, create mods for equipment Gain Craft as a bonus skill First mod free of maintenance
Assassin Skilled in sudden attacks, execution advantages Gain Sneak as a bonus skill Move with execution attack
Authority Inspires followers, charismatic Gain Lead as a bonus skill Followers gain courage, damage bonuses
Henchkeeper Knack for gathering loyal followers Gain Lead as a bonus skill, easier henchmen acquisition Remarkable loyalty and determination from henchmen
Impervious Defense Remarkable reflexes or luck in defense Innate Armor Class of 15, stacks with armor Once per day, adopt total defense, hard to hit
Imposter Skilled at disguising and pretending Gain Perform or Sneak as a bonus skill Alter appearance and clothes as an action
Lucky Surprisingly lucky in dangerous situations Once per week, survive a potentially fatal situation Once per session, redirect threat to another
Nullifier Interfere with magical effects Allies gain +2 saves vs. magic within 20 feet Once per day, nullify an ongoing magical effect
Poisoner Skilled in crafting and using poisons Gain Heal as a bonus skill, reroll poison saves Immune to poison
Polymath Acquainted with a wide range of skills Gain any one non-combat skill Treat all non-combat skills as level-0 if not already higher
Rider Expert riding skills, bond with steeds Gain Ride as a bonus skill, high morale in mounts Negate attack against steed once per scene
Shocking Assault You’re extremely dangerous to enemies around you. Gain Punch or Stab as a bonus skill. +2 bonus to the Shock damage rating of all melee weapons and unarmed attacks.
Sniper’s Eye Expert at placing a thrown knife or arrow on an unsuspecting target. Gain Shoot as a bonus skill. Roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die for ranged Execution Attacks. Hit targets take a -4 penalty on Physical saving throws; double damage on successful hit.
Special Origin Belong to some more exotic species or demihuman kind. PCs are assumed to be human; pick origin Focus for different species. Availability depends on campaign and GM permission.
Specialist Remarkably talented at a particular skill. Gain any skill as a bonus. Roll 4d6 and drop the two lowest dice for all skill checks in this skill.
Spirit Familiar Minor spirit, devil, construct, magical beast as a companion. Choose a form for your familiar. Pick two benefits for your familiar; re-summon within 24 hours if killed.
Trapmaster Uncommon expertise in handling traps and snares. Gain Notice as a bonus skill. Reroll any failed saving throw or skill check related to traps once per scene.
Unarmed Combatant Your empty hands are more dangerous than swords. Gain Punch as a bonus skill. Unarmed attacks increase in damage as Punch skill increases.
Unique Gift Unusual ability or magical knack. Define effect with player and GM. Power strength can be reconsidered if necessary.
Valiant Defender Exceptional shieldbearer, protecting others. Gain Stab or Punch as a bonus skill. +2 AC while screening; first Screen Ally skill check in a round is always successful.
Well Met Ability to charm and pacify people met for the first time. +1 React price bonus for reaction rolls. Influence friendly reactions within plausibility limits once per session.

Adventuring Gear

Select Quantity Item Cost Enc
Arrows, 202 sp1
Backpack2 sp
Boots2 sp
Candle1 cp*
Cart, one-horse50 spN/A
Clothes, common25 sp
Clothes, fine100 sp
Clothes, noble500 sp
Cooking utensils4 sp1
Crowbar4 sp1
Firewood, one night's fire2 cp4
Flask, metal, one pint3 sp1
Grappling hook5 sp1
Hammer or small tool2 sp1
Healer's pouch5 sp1
Hurlant bolts, 2020 sp1
Iron spikes, 101 sp1
Lantern10 sp1
Mirror, hand10 sp*
Oil, one pint1 sp1#
Paper, 10 sheets1 sp*
Rations, one week5 sp4
Rope, 50'2 sp2
Sack1 sp1
Shovel, pick, or similar tool4 sp2
Tinder box1 sp*
Torch2 cp1#
Waterskin, one gallon1 sp1
Writing kit3 sp1

Custom Gear

Select Quantity Item Cost Enc

Select Weapons

Select Weapon Damage Shock Attribute Range (feet) Traits Cost Enc
Axe Hand 1d6 1/AC 15 Str/Dex 10/30 T 10 sp 1
Axe War 1d10 3/AC 15 Str - 2H 50 sp 2
Blackjack 1d4 None Str/Dex - S,LL 1 sp 1
Bow Large 1d8 None Dex 100/600 2H,R,PM 20 sp 2
Bow Small 1d6 None Dex 50/300 2H,R,PM 20 sp 1
Claw Blades 1d6 2/AC 13 Str/Dex - S 10 sp 1
Club 1d4 None Str/Dex 10/30 T,LL - 1
Club Great 1d10 2/AC 15 Str - 2H 1 sp 2
Crossbow 1d10 None Dex 100/300 2H,SR,PM 10 sp 1
Dagger 1d4 1/AC 15 Str/Dex 30/60 S,T,PM 3 sp 1
Halberd 1d10 2/AC 15 Str - 2H,L 50 sp 2
Axe Hand 1d6 1/AC 15 Str/Dex 10/30 T 10 sp 1
Hammer Great 1d10 2/AC 18 Str - 2H 50 sp 2
Hammer War 1d8 1/AC 18 Str - - 30 sp 1
Hurlant Great 3d10 None Dex 600/2400 FX, SS, AP 10000 sp 15
Hurlant Hand 1d12 None Dex 30/60 SS; AP 1000 sp 1
Hurlant Long 2d8 None Dex 200/600 2H; SS; AP; PM 4000 sp 2
Mace 1d6 1/AC 18 Str - LL 15 sp 1
Pike 1d8 1/AC 18 Str - 2H; L 10 sp 2
Shield Bash Large 1d6 1/AC 13 Str - LL - -
Shield Bash Small 1d4 None Str/Dex - LL - -
Spear Heavy 1d10 2/AC 15 Str - 2H 10 sp 2
Spear Light 1d6 2/AC 13 Str/Dex 30/60 T 5 sp 1
Throwing Blade 1d4 None Dex 30/60 S; T; N 3 sp 1
Staff 1d6 1/AC 13 Str/Dex - 2H; LL 1 sp 1
Stiletto 1d4 1/AC 18 Dex - S; PM 10 sp 1
Sword Great 1d12 2/AC 15 Str - 2H 250 sp 2
Sword Long 1d8 2/AC 13 Str/Dex - - 100 sp 1
Sword Short 1d6 2/AC 15 Str/Dex - - 10 sp 1
Unarmed Attack 1d2+Skill None Str/Dex - LL - -


if you are rolling choose 3 rolls between growth and learning skills
Select Background Free Skill Quick Skills Growth Skills pick 2 or 3 rolls-d6 Learning Skills: no picks, 3 rolls-d8.
Artisan Craft Trade, Connect +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Exert, Any Skill Connect, Convince, Craft, Craft, Exert, Know, Notice, Trade
Barbarian Survive Any Combat, Notice +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Exert, Any Skill Any Combat, Connect, Exert, Lead, Notice, punch, Sneak,Survive
Carter Ride Connect, Any Combat +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Connect, Any Skill Any Combat, Connect, Craft, Exert, Notice, Ride, Survive, Trade
Courtesan Perform Notice, Connect +1 Any Stat, +2 Mental, +2 Mental, +2 Physical, Connect, Any Skill Any Combat, Connect, Convince, Exert, Notice, Perform, Survive, Trade
Criminal Perform Connect, Convince +1 Any Stat, +2 Mental, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Connect, Any Skill Administer, Any Combat, Connect, Convince, Exert, Notice, Sneak, Trade
Hunter Shoot Survive, Sneak +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Exert, Any Skill Any Combat, Exert, Heal, Notice, Ride, Shoot, Sneak, Survive
Laborer Work Connect, Exert +1 Any Stat, +1 Any Stat, +1 Any Stat, +1 Any Stat, Exert, Any Skill Administer, Any Skill, Connect, Convince, Craft, Exert, Ride, Work
Merchant Trade Convince, Connect +1 Any Stat, +2 Mental, +2 Mental, +2 Mental, Connect, Any Skill Administer, Any Combat, Connect, Convince, Craft, Know, Notice, Trade
Noble Lead Connect, Administer +1 Any Stat, +2 Mental, +2 Mental, +2 Mental, Connect, Any Skill Administer, Any Combat, Connect, Convince, Know, Lead, Notice, Ride
Nomad Ride Survive, Any Combat +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Exert, Any Skill Any Combat, Connect, Exert, Lead, Notice, rid, Survive, Trade
Peasant Exert Sneak, Survive +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, Exert, Any Skill Connect, Exert, Craft, Notice, Sneak, Survive, Trade, Work
Performer Perform Convince, Connect +1 Any Stat, +2 Mental, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, Connect, Any Skill Any Combat, Connect, Exert, Notice, Perform, Perform, Sneak, Convince
Physician Heal Know, Notice +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, +2 Mental, Connect, Any Skill Administer, Connect, Craft, Heal, Know, Notice, Convince, Trade
Priest Pray Convince, Know +1 Any Stat, +2 Mental, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Connect, Any Skill Administer, Connect, Know, Lead, Heal, Convince, Pray, Pray
Sailor Sail Exert, Notice +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Exert, Any Skill Any Combat, Connect, Craft, Exert, Heal, Notice, Perform, Sail
Scholar Know Heal, Administer +1 Any Stat, +2 Mental, +2 Mental, +2 Mental, Connect, Any Skill Administer, Heal, Craft, Know, Notice, Perform, Pray, Convince
Slave Sneak Survive, Exert +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Exert, Any Skill Administer, Any Combat, Any Skill, Convince, Exert, Sneak, Survive, Work
Soldier Any Combat Exert, Survive +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, Exert, Any Skill :Any Combat, Any Combat, Exert, Lead, Notice, Ride, Sneak, Survive
Thug Any combat Convince, Connect +1 Any Stat, +2 Mental, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Connect, Any Skill Any Combat, Any Combat, Connect, Convince, Exert, Notice, Sneak, Survive
Wanderer Survive Sneak, Notice +1 Any Stat, +2 Physical, +2 Physical, +2 Mental, Exert, Any Skill Any Combat, Connect, Notice, Perform, Ride, Sneak, Survive, Work

Species Selection

Select Species Name Description Level 1 Level 2
Human Setting the bar. Gain Background Skills.
Dwarves This origin serves for the classical dwarf; short, sturdy, and given to craftsmanship and drinking. Gain Craft as a bonus skill. Your Constitution modifier increases by +1 and either your Dexterity or Charisma modifier decreases by -1. You can see in the dark up to sixty feet.
Elves, Civilized This style of elf represents the city-dwelling, magic-loving, sophisticated interpretation of elvishness favored in some worlds. Gain Know and Magic as bonus skills. Your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier increases by +1 and your Constitution modifier decreases by -1. You can see clearly in any light level above complete darkness.
Elves, Half-Elves Where there are both elves and humans, half-elves tend to be inevitable additions to a campaign world. This Focus follows the “between two worlds” flavor of most half-elf interpretations. Gain Connect and any one skill as bonus skills. You can see out to thirty feet in any light condition short of perfect darkness. At your discretion, if you take after your elven parent, you may increase your Dexterity modifier by +1 but then also take a -1 to your Constitution modifier.
Elves, Forest This interpretation of elvishness is for those kinds given to nature-reverence, archery, and nimbleness. Gain Shoot and Survive as bonus skills. Your Dexterity modifier increases by +1 and your Constitution modifier decreases by -1. You can see clearly in any light level above complete darkness.
Halflings This origin serves for a breed of bucolic and diminutive demihumans with exceptional reserves of toughness. Gain Sneak as a bonus skill. Your Constitution or Dexterity modifier increases by +1. You are too small to effectively use two-handed melee weapons or large bows.
Gnomes Gnomish interpretations vary significantly, from mad tinkers to forest sprites. The origin below suits a subterranean forest-dweller; for tinkers, replace Sneak as a bonus skill with Craft. Gain Sneak as a bonus skill. Your Dexterity modifier increases by +1 and your Strength or Wisdom modifier decreases by -1. You can see clearly in the dark out to sixty feet.
Goblins, Tinker This variety of goblin is for those campaign settings where they are inveterate builders. Gain Craft as a bonus skill. Your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier increases by +1, and your Wisdom modifier decreases by -1. You have the weapon restrictions of halflings. You can see clearly in the dark out to sixty feet.
Goblins, Savage Feral tribe-dwelling marauders of swamp, forest, and wasteland, this style of goblin can also fill in for other small, vicious humanoids. Gain Sneak and Survive as bonus skills. Your Dexterity modifier increases by +1, but your Intelligence modifier decreases by -1. You have the weapon restrictions of halflings. You can see clearly in the dark out to sixty feet.
Lizardmen Whether dressed up as dragon-folk or left as common crocodilian swamp lizardmen, this Focus can fill in the details. Gain Stab and Survive as bonus skills. Your Strength or Charisma modifier increases by +1, but your Dexterity or Charisma modifier decreases by -1. Your unarmored Armor Class is 13, and if you wear better armor you get a +1 bonus to its AC. You’re some sort of dragon-man and can breathe fire, frost, or some other noxious substance. The breath can be done once per scene and affects a cone up to 15 feet long and wide at its end. All within must make an appropriate save or take 2d6 damage plus your character level. You gain immunity to the substance you exhale.
Orcs Large, strong, brutish, and comparatively stupid; such is the standard orc of fantasy campaigns. Players who want to play such a PC can use this Focus. Gain Survive and Stab or Punch as bonus skills. Your Strength or Constitution modifier increases by +1, but your Intelligence modifier decreases by -1. You can see clearly in the dark out to sixty feet.